Go from having Money sitting in the bank earning a pittance to Growing your capital with healthy returns Trading in as little as 15 Minutes a day

Let Me Ask You A Question. Would You Be Interested in Seeing and Learning A Super Fast and Effective Strategy That Can Help You To Generate Regular Income ? If the Answer is 'YES' Then You May want to check this out.


Who is this for?

The online world is a melting pot of outrage and indignation. Of people ready to shout:

“This can’t possibly work for everyone”

“How do I know this will work for me?”

“What if it doesn't work for me?”

So let me get straight to it.

Yes, INDEX CRUSHER does NOT work for everyone.

It does not work if….

You are a a get rich scheme seeker

You believe never put in time required to learn the skill

You like to lacks discipline

You aren’t ready to Erase years of loss making trading ventures

You are not willing to 15 minutes a day

But if you are A Committed learner determined to create better future for them and the loved ones

And you want to FINALLY Stop chasing use less theory and actually use the strategy that works and gets consistent results

Then let me assure you, INDEX CRUSHER is the solution to end the desperate searching, hoping and wishing.

This is for you even if you never traded before

This is for you even if you have a smaller account size of 1K

This is for you even if you been trading for a while

This is for you even if you are trading other instruments

This is for you even if you are advanced

This is for you even if you are intermediate

This is for you even if you don't have all the time in the world

Your Trading and Investing Coach

Sankar Sharma, MBA, MSTA
Sankar Sharma, MBA, MSTA

Introducing Sankar: Your Trusted Market Strategist

Unlocking Success in Every Market Condition

Meet Sankar, the seasoned expert who has not only weathered but thrived through multiple recessions. With an unwavering commitment to helping investors and traders achieve their financial dreams, Sankar is your go-to source for market wisdom and wealth-building strategies.

Why Choose Sankar as Your Mentor?

Recession-Proof Success: Sankar has demonstrated unparalleled success in navigating multiple recessions, turning challenges into opportunities for his clients.

Renowned Market Strategist: He is not just a coach; he's a highly renowned market strategist, revered by peers and clients alike.

Forbes' Investing Authority: Forbes has bestowed upon him the title of the 'Investing Authority,' recognizing his exceptional insights and foresight.

Featured Five Times in Forbes: Sankar's expertise and accomplishments have earned him the spotlight in Forbes on five separate occasions.

MBA in Finance: His academic foundation in finance, with an MBA, ensures a deep understanding of financial markets.

Certified Market Technician: Sankar holds prestigious certifications that attest to his market mastery.

Accurate Market Calls: Known for his uncanny accuracy in market predictions and forecasts, Sankar's insights are gold in the world of finance.

Life-Changing Impact: Sankar has transformed countless lives, helping individuals achieve their wealth goals and secure their financial future.

Proven Student Success: Many of his students boast an outstanding track record of financial success, a testament to Sankar's exceptional coaching and mentorship.

Join the 3R Tribe Hall of Fame in 2025

Now is your opportunity to be a part of a success story that transcends markets and generations. Join Sankar in 2025 and seize the chance to be featured in our very own 3R Tribe Hall of Fame. Let's embark on a journey to financial prosperity together.

Experience the difference. Sankar - Your Partner in Prosperity.


Success Stories From The Students of Index Crusher

You know what I hate? When people show their own success as a mark of how well they’ve done.

You know what I love? Real life CLIENT success stories and love notes. And I have a TONNE of them, like really. It warms my heart every single time.

And NO, I did not pay these people to say all these nice things about INDEX CRUSHER. I could spend all day sharing these gems with you but I will save you and your news feed from that and just share a few....for now. I cannot promise not to get carried away!

How Is Index Crusher any different and unique?

When I see people falling for the lame, tired tactics of Hyped courses it fills me with rage and makes me want to fling their courses from the internet. FOREVER

And there is another way, I know because it is mine!

But, I am not here to tell you why INDEX CRUSHER is better. I am here to show you...and once you have seen it with your own eyes, I promise you this…

You will never go back to your old ways again.

You will never be fooled...EVER!

This is really all you need to know:
INDEX CRUSHER is THE ONLY Special Program that allows you to learn fast, trade with confidence and spend just 15 minutes a day trading

If you know any other Course bundle with regular trade alerts that Erases decades of trial and error and mistakes in trading

If you can find me Course bundle with regular trade alerts that Grow small capital with 15 minutes in front of the trading desk
Or show me Course bundle with regular trade alerts that Learn faster and compound your portfolio returns

So let’s think about this seriously for a minute

You could Scroll Youtube videos without knowing the outcome of the strategies and consistency and spend between $1000s in losses


You could Try purchasing super expensive courses without support and guidance and spend $2497 or more


You could Get courses that are incomplete and spend between $2497

But still,

Can't trade with small capital
Takes more time to learn and implement
Not time tested and fails to give consistent results


You are not only avoiding all those frankly disturbing and unnecessary things you are also giving yourself Earn regular income from your trades trading just 15 minutes a day AND SAVING ALL THAT MONEY

Be honest now, if I just handed you that big hunk of cash, would you turn it down? Think about that before you click away....


After Enrolling In Index Crusher Today You Will Receive...

1. Index Crusher Course Bundle

You get immediate access to the Index Crusher Online Video course in your own dedicated private member area with user id and password.

You will learn the strategy. You will learn all about how to use technical analysis strategies, How to apply them when market goes up, down or sideways.

2. Access to Educational Video Vault

Here you can watch the previous Live trades taken in the room (recorded)

You will learn which broker to use , How to set up your trading platform for success. Where to place stops, where to place profit taking orders and all that good stuff,

3. Weekly Market review

You will get 3 month access to weekly market review and market outlook.

4. Check List

To take emotion out of equation you will get pre-trade checklist

5. Access To Index Crusher Trader Community

You get to trade along the community cross check and cross validate your trades. Seek advise from senior traders


When you sign up today you will also receive a special bonus, the 'Option Unchained' Course program Value $1997.00 is yours totally at no extra cost to you.


Today is The Day...

Today is the day, in fact this MOMENT this is the very moment when you get to decide...

ONE- You can decide to stay as you are. Doing nothing differently, still looking at other Traders and gurus still wondering if they will ever help you to finally overcome Losing ,inconsistent trades and returns. How does that feel? Right, I think we both know. And it’s not happy

TWO- You can gather your wits, swallow it all up and decide to go it alone. YOU ARE AN ISLAND. You don’t need anyone else. Well actually yes you probably could do this, you’re a smart cookie after all and I’m as sure as a girl can be that it will be better than option one...but. Better is not what you’re looking for. Am I right?

THREE- You could fling those options on the scrap pile and instead get everything you have ever needed INDEX CRUSHER that Allows to you to generate regular returns without Having to attend super expensive course spending thousands so that you can finally break free from soul destroying inconsistent returns and make progress, learn a new rewarding skill trading just as little as 15 Minutes a day even if You can barely place an amazon order

I think we all know that 2 of those choices, choice and two are as dead as a dodo. So the final decision is yours...and you’re the one who gets to either reap the benefits or live with the consequences *insert manic laugh*

Let’s Do the Math…

I get it, decision fatigue is a thing. Making decisions can be a painful process, and if you’re still and and hemming and hawing over INDEX CRUSHER let me help break it down into chunks that will make the decision making part of your brain sing.

The skill you learn here will allow you to Earn regular income from your trades trading just 15 minutes a day . My students know it works because they have seen It, Traded it and Earned it. Not just once but


and over

and over


not just them but also other traders I have worked with over the years

Now to the nitty-gritty.

Here are just some of the things you get when you decide to invest in INDEX CRUSHER:

Index Crusher course pack $997.00

Trade Alerts $1997.00

Online Training videos on how to trade options - Options Unchained $1997.00

Step by step instructions, checklist and recorded live trades from the past $997.00

Access to Index crusher community $997.00

You also get these ridiculous bonuses:

Option Trading Unchained $1997.00

Weekly Market review sessions $5200

Access to Index crusher community $997.00

Step by step instructions, checklist and recorded live trades from the past $997.00

So unless my math is totally screwy that is a total value of $11,713.00 worth of the exact thing you’re looking for to take you from Struggling to make your money earn decent returns to Getting the freedom and the results in as little as 15 Minutes

And it’s all yours..right here..right now for just $997
Just $2.73 a day

To go from Struggling to make your money earn decent returns to Getting the freedom and the results

When you really think about it, compared to having Earn regular income from your trades trading just 15 minutes a day, this barely even registers. Right?


Imagine This...

The day is August 2023 (stick with me, I haven’t lost my mind)

You are celebrating. Why? Because you, my friend have done the work. You’ve completed INDEX CRUSHER you have lived and breathed it, implemented, actioned, generally been a freakin rock star and now...well now you can Break free from soul destroying inconsistent returns which means
Feel confident in trading and Feel like you can take over the trading world
Less financial stress and money working harder while you relax with your family
No worries of your money not working for you and bye bye pittance

Let’s carry on our little fantasy...
The day begins Feeling proud and surrounded by people you love
As you take tea you Lazily browse thru emails while Super excited and looking forward to the best part of the day the 15 minutes of Index crusher
And you continue the day, not a person beset with excuses and nonsense. You’re not one of those people any more. You’re one the winners at life. Ahhhhhh.

So my question is, if there was something that allowed you to do this, to create this day, this life, this existence - Would you take it?

Because there IS...
INDEX CRUSHER that can Allows to generate regular returns without Having to attend super expensive course spending thousands so that you can finally Break free from soul destroying inconsistent returns in as little as 15 Minutes a day even if You can barely order from Amazon


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will I receive Trade Alerts Real time?
Yes you will receive trade alerts real time.
What happens if i do not renew next year?
If you are on yearly renewal and do not wish to renew you need to inform us 2 weeks in advance. If you do not renew you still will have access to the course area but will not receive any alerts.
Do You encourage Refunds?
Unfortunately we do not provide any refunds. For a very good reason. As soon as you sign up we take your journey with us very seriously. We want only committed students who are ready to learn and ready to trade. To facilitate your learning and trading we do have third party commitments we need to respect that makes it tricky to issue refunds so we don't refund.

Get Started Right Now and Reap The Benefits!

PS: Don't Delay Learning the skill to generate alternate income trading just 15 minutes every day. This is all done for you. I do all the hard work and present you a fully analysed trade on daily basis. All you have to do is make a decision to suite your situation. Learn while you earn too!

When you sign up today you will receive

Index Crusher online video course bundle

Weekly Market Review Sessions

Access to Index Crusher Trading Community

Access to Educational Vault

Bonus - Options Trading Unchained Course Pack


Copyright 2015 by Risk Reward

The information and content provided within this website has been created for educational purposes only. Stock market investing offers no guarantee of earnings. Past results are not indicative of the future as lot of factors influence the outcome. Stocks and Markets can move up or down quickly against your investment. This site or its owners do not provide any guarantees as your financial circumstance is not obvious to us. If in doubt check your suitability by consulting with your CPA or Financial adviser. Results discussed here are not typical and it will vary from person to person. All forms investing and trading involves risk at varied levels some more than others